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Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary - pan


Связанные словари


 I. noun  Etymology: Latin, from Greek  Date: 14th century a Greek god of pastures, flocks, and shepherds usually represented as having the legs, horns, and ears of a goat  II. abbreviation ~ama PAN  abbreviation peroxyacetyl nitrate PAN  I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English (akin to Old High German phanna ~), from Latin patina, from Greek patane  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a usually broad, shallow, and open container for domestic use (as for cooking)  b. any of various similar usually metal receptacles: as  (1) the hollow part of the lock in a firelock or flintlock gun that receives the priming  (2) either of the receptacles in a pair of scales  (3) a round shallow usually metal container for separating metal (as gold) from waste by washing  c. British toilet 3b; also bowl 3b  d. steel drum  2.  a.  (1) a natural basin or depression in land  (2) a similar artificial basin (as for evaporating brine)  b. a drifting fragment of the flat thin ice that forms in bays or along the shore  3. hard~ 1  4. slang face  5. a harsh criticism  II. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 1839  transitive verb  1.  a. to wash in a ~ for the purpose of separating heavy particles  b. to separate (as gold) by ~ning  c. to place in a ~  2. to criticize severely the show was ~ned  intransitive verb  1. to wash material (as earth or gravel) in a ~ in search of metal (as gold)  2. to yield precious metal in the process of ~ning — usually used with out  III. noun  Etymology: Hindi & Urdu pan, from Sanskrit par?a wing, leafmore at fern  Date: 1616  1. a betel leaf  2. a masticatory of betel nut, mineral lime, and ~  IV. noun  Etymology: short for ~orama  Date: circa 1922  1. the process of ~ning a motion-picture or video camera  2. a shot in which the camera is ~ned  V. verb  (~ned; ~ning)  Date: 1930  transitive verb to rotate (as a motion-picture camera) so as to keep an object in the picture or secure a ~oramic effect  intransitive verb  1. to ~ a motion-picture or video camera  2. of a camera to undergo ~ning
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См. в других словарях

  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a a vessel of metal, earthenware, or plastic, usu. broad and shallow, used for cooking and other domestic purposes. b the contents of this. 2 a panlike vessel in which substances are heated etc. 3 any similar shallow container such as the bowl of a pair of scales or that used for washing gravel etc. to separate gold. 4 Brit. the bowl of a lavatory. 5 part of the lock that held the priming in old guns. 6 a hollow in the ground (salt-pan). 7 a hard substratum of soil. 8 US sl. the face. --v. (panned, panning) 1 tr. colloq. criticize severely. 2 a tr. (foll. by off, out) wash (gold-bearing gravel) in a pan. b intr. search for gold by panning gravel. c intr. (foll. by out) (of gravel) yield gold. Phrases and idioms pan out (of an action etc.) turn out in a specified way. Derivatives panful n. (pl. -fuls). panlike adj. Etymology: OE panne, perh. ult. f. L patina dish 2. v. & n. --v. (panned, panning) 1 tr. swing (a cine-camera) horizontally to give a panoramic effect or to follow a moving object. 2 intr. (of a cine-camera) be moved in this way. --n. a panning movement. Etymology: abbr. of PANORAMA 3. n. Bot. 1 a leaf of the betel. 2 this enclosing lime and areca-nut parings, chewed in India etc. Etymology: Hindi f. Skr. parna feather, leaf ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) поддон; корыто; лоток; сгонный резервуар 2) горн. рештак (конвейера) 3) мульда 4) изложница 5) метал. чаша; ковш; совок; тарелка 6) панель фахверковой конструкции 7) гнездо для дверных или оконных навесов 8) опалубка монолитного железобетонного перекрытия 9) стеновая панель 10) чаш(к)а (весов) 11) метео испаритель 12) хим. чан 13) хим., пищ. кристаллизатор 14) панорамирование панорамировать 15) выбор сцены (путем панорамирования) 16) жарочная ванна; сковорода; противень 17) пищ. форма; лист-трафарет укладывать в формы или на листы-трафареты 18) варочный котёл 19) пищ. выпарной аппарат pan down — кфт. панорамирование сверху вниз; pan up — кфт. панорамирование снизу вверх - ash pan - baffle pan - balance pan - boiling pan - boiling-down pan - bottom-covered pan - carbonation pan - catch pan - charger pan - chip pan - collapsible pan - color pan - conveyor pan - corrugated pan - crankcase oil pan - crystallizing pan - defecation pan - defrosting pan - devulcanizing pan - dragee pan - drain pan - draw-off pan - dripping pan - drip pan - electric boiling pan - electromagnetic pan - evaporating pan - feed pan - floating pan - flue pan - freezer pan - grainer pan - grout pan - ink pan - melting pan - mixing pan - oil pan - open steam pan - pantograph pan - perforated metal pan - refrigerant pan - revolving pan - roasting pan - scalding pan - sediment pan - self-stirring steam pan - sheet pan - slag pan - sludge pan - soap pan - split pan - standard pan - sump pan - sunken pan - swarf pan - sweat pan - tilting pan - transmission sump pan - vacuum pan -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  мауэрлат часть стены между стойками (преимущественно) деревянного фахверка элемент опалубки в форме чаши (для кессонных перекрытий) паз (углубление) для врезной дверной или оконной петли поддон; лоток; чаша; корыто ash pan dish pan drain pan iron pan lavatory pan mortar pan sediment pan shower pan vibratory pan water-closet pan WC pan ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  панорамирование; панорамировать – automatic pan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) дежа 2) кристаллизатор 3) кювета 4) лотковый 5) лоханный 6) лохань 7) мисочка 8) панорамировать 9) поддон 10) противень 11) пэн 12) резервуар 13) сковорода 14) сосуд 15) чан 16) чашевой 17) чашеобразный 18) чашка 19) чрен coating dipping pan — ванна для ручной глазировки salt evaporating pan — выпарной чрен для соли - agitated pan - amalgamation pan - chip pan - devulcanizing pan - drip pan - glue pan - gold pan - jigging pan - leer pan - oil pan - pan balance - pan car - pan cooling - pan granulator - pan sintering - scale pan - seat pan - sintering pan - soap pan - suan pan - syrup pan ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) панорамирование; выбор изображаемого участка; панорамировать; выбирать отображаемый участок 2) плавное смещение; плавно смещать (изображения) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) ванночка, кювета 2) испаритель 3) сортировать (клетки); разделять методом пэннинга – culture pan – dissecting pan – shallow pan PAN SOIL почва с плотным горизонтом ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. греч. миф. Пан pan 1. кастрюля pots and pans —- горшки и кастрюли 2. сковорода; противень (также baking pan) a pan of coals —- жаровня 3. чашка, миска, таз 4. ванночка; кювета shallow pan —- плоская кювета moist colours in pans —- акварель в чашечках 5. чашка (весов) 6. полная кастрюля, сковорода 7. углубление (в сосуде, приборе) a deep circular pan —- большое круглое углубление 8. котловина, углубление в почве 9. блинчатая льдина 10. ам. разг. лицо, рожа a happy pan —- счастливая морда dead pan —- лицо без всякого выражения; кин. жарг. актер на второстепенные роли 11. ам. сл. резкая критика (пьесы, книги) a pan on a show —- критика спектакля to get pans —- получать разгромные отзывы 12. с-х. скатная доска (в молотилках) 13. полка (в кремневом ружье) 14. тех. лоток; чаша; поддон; корыто 15. геол. подпочвенный пласт; ортштейн 16. стр. тип стеновой панели 17. кин. панарамирование 18. кин. профес. "кастрюля", "сковорода" (широкоизлучатель с лампой накаливания) 19. воен. дисковый магазин (пулемета) Id: pan digger —- золотоискатель, старатель Id: a flash in the pan —- мимолетная удача, подарок судьбы Id: to shut one's pan —- держать язык за зубами Id: out of the pan into the fire —- из огня да в полымя 20. готовить, приправлять или подавать в кастрюле 21. промывать...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in cin. панорамировать; The camera then panned in for a close view of the actors expression. PAN I Pan noun  1) greek; myth. Пан  2) язычество II  1. noun  1) кастрюля; миска; таз; сковорода; противень; Heat the butter and oil in a large pan.  2) чашка (весов)  3) котловина  4) небольшая плавучая (блинчатая) льдина  5) amer.; coll. лицо  6) tech. лоток, поддон; корыто  7) geol. подпочвенный пласт; ортштейн  8) полка (в кремневом ружье)  2. v.  1) готовить или подавать в кастрюле  2) промывать (золотоносный песок); Some old miners are still panning for gold in the streams where fortunes were found in the last century. Every year they panned about a ton of gold.  3) coll. задать жару, подвергнуть резкой критике; His first high-budget movie was panned by the critics.  4) cin.; tv панорамировать; The camera panned along the line of players. He panned the camera, giving a sense of motion. - pan in - pan off - pan out PAN out  а) намывать;  б) давать золото (о песке);  в) преуспевать; удаваться, устраиваться; the business did not pan out дело не выгорело, не удалось; None of Morgans proposed financing panned out. PAN off промывать золотоносный песок; You dip the pan into the bed of the stream, and then pan off the sand and dirt, hoping that some gold will be left. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  (pans, panning, panned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pan is a round metal container with a long handle, which is used for cooking things in, usually on top of a cooker or stove. Heat the butter and oil in a large pan. = saucepan N-COUNT 2. If something such as a film or a book is panned by journalists, they say it is very bad. (INFORMAL) His first high-budget movie, called ‘Brain Donors’, was panned by the critics. = slate VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 3. If you pan a film or television camera or if it pans somewhere, it moves slowly round so that a wide area is filmed. The camera panned along the line of players... A television camera panned the stadium... VERB: V prep/adv, V n 4. If someone pans for gold, they use a shallow metal container to try to find small pieces of gold from a river. People came westward in the 1800s to pan for gold... Every year they panned about a ton and a half of gold. VERB: V for n, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »FOR COOKING« a round metal container used for cooking usually, with one long handle and a lid; saucepan  (Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling salted water.) 2 »FOR BAKING CAKES ETC« AmE a metal container for baking things in; tin BrE  (a 9" cake pan) 3 »FOR WEIGHING« one of the two dishes on a pair of scales (=a small weighing machine) 4 »TOILET« especially BrE the bowl of a toilet 5 »DRUM« a metal drum that is played in a steel band 6 »FOR FINDING GOLD« AmE a container used to separate gold from other substances, by washing them in water 7 go down the pan BrE slang to be wasted or become useless or ruined  (- see also frying pan, skidpan, warming pan, a flash in the pan flash2 (8)) ~2 v panned, panning 1 »CRITICIZE« informal to strongly criticize a film, play etc in a newspaper or on television or radio  (a production that was panned by the critics) 2 »CAMERA« a) if a film or television camera pans in a particular direction, it moves and follows the thing that is being filmed  (The camera panned slowly across the crowd.) b) to move a camera in this way 3 »GOLD« a) to wash soil in a pan to separate gold from it + for  (panning for gold) b) also pan out, pan off to get or separate gold in this way pan out phr v to happen or develop in a particular way  (I wonder how it will all pan out.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Planetary Art Network U.S. gov. abbr. Post Authorization Notification 3-let. lang. abbr. Panjabi airport code Pattani, Thailand ocean sc. abbr. Peroxyacetyl Nitrate chemis. abbr. Phosphoric Acetic Nitric adult abbr. Pimp Ass Newsreader softw. abbr. Priority Application Number network. abbr. Personal Area Networking network. abbr. Private Area Network network. abbr. Personal Area Network file ext. abbr. CorelDraw Printer-specific file non-prof. org. abbr. Pesticide Action Network ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - prefix meaning "all, whole, all-inclusive," from Gk. pan-, combining form of pas (neut. pan, masc. and neut. gen. pantos) "all." Similarity to Pan, the Arcadian god, led to his being regarded as a personification of nature. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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